Mikołaj Gładysz

Music website


Website purpose

This website is a showcase of striming service, it has a tab with blog entries, a music player and a store with tutorials.

Modular design

the whole layout is divided into independent sections, which can be broken down into components, making it easier to implement frameworks such as vue.js


For the most noticeable component loading animations, I used the Aos library. Other animations you can find on the page are menu animation (mobile version) and object resizing animation (RWD) made in pure css


In order to achieve almost perfect score in the lighthouse tool ( 100 performance on desktop, 93 on mobile) I used only svg icons loaded directly in the code of the page, any graphics that have an overlay have lower quality (unnoticeable to the user), and besides I stuck to the DRY rule (do not repeat yourself), which limited unnecessary code

More Info

Github: https://github.com/MikolajGladysz/Strona-muzyczna

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