Mikołaj Gładysz

Thumbnail slide

Cv Website

Mikołaj 2,4M views 4 days ago

My own CV website, stylised as YouTube!


Dogs App

Mikolaj 5M views 4 days ago

A modern, educational Android app allowing to gain knowledge about different breeds of dogs.

travel agency

Travel Agency

Mikołaj Gładysz 338K views 4 days ago

In this page, I have included familiar elements like the offer, headline and more. This is a lightweight design, perfect for your travel agency In this page, I have included familiar elements like the offer, headline and more. This is a lightweight design, perfect for your travel agency

fury room

Fury Room

Mikołaj Gładysz 3,4 M views 4 days ago

Sample website layout. The website contains simple sections like offer, header, sliders and more. I focused on making this site fast and responsive.

Music website

Music website

Mikołaj Gładysz 100 views 4 days ago

On-page website about music

Music website

Music websiteXDDDDDDDD

Mikołaj Gładysz 100 views 4 days ago

On-page website about music


Recipes Website

Mikołaj 23 views 4 days ago

Small app with a lot of recipes from database
