Mikołaj Gładysz

Dogs App


App purpose

This app was created to practice Android technologies, such as navigation, saving data, creating layauts programmatically. In this showcase I want to talk about some technologies

Creating layouts

The first step to create a layout is to retrieve data from the server, which are then used to create an object of class DogBreed. DogBreed class has all the necessary information such as life expectancy, behavior ect. Next we use this data to populate layout. This is where RxJava comes in handy with it`s observable sequences. Those sequences are called when data is being changed.


To allow for a smoother experience I used Glide to load dogs images and loading animation.


If you find a particular breed of dog interesting, you can share it via MMS or other app.


To navigate between fragments i used Jetpack navigation component. It allows to pass data when navigating to other fragment. This way user passes proper dog id to fragment on the basis of which right data is beind shown.

More Info

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